"I can do all things..."

Philippians 4:13

Living Together, Learning Forever, Loving God’s Creation

We believe in the value of community. The school has a ‘family’ ethos, driven by our Christian value of Koinonia. Our strong links to the local church and community ensure all of the children have every opportunity to understand the value of community.

We believe in leadership at every level. We provide opportunities for pupil leadership throughout the school. We want our children to lead themselves and others; to take responsibility for our school, the community and the world around them.

We believe every child deserves the right to a transformational education. We design, adapt and extend our curriculum to ensure that every child is included. We believe that every child at St.Mary’s can achieve anything they put their mind to.

We believe in caring about God’s creation and leaving a better world for future generations. We provide opportunities for our children to experience the world around them. We teach them to care about its management and sustainability.

We believe in developing the character of each child. Our  Christian values are Koinonia (community), service, truthfulness, courage, compassion and creativity. We provide opportunities for spiritual reflection and understanding of the significance of faith.

We believe our children should have every opportunity throughout their time with us. We believe Primary School should be ‘the best years of their life’ and we want to ensure every opportunity is provided for them to experience a broad and rich curriculum.


At St.Mary's we believe our children can do 'all things'. We believe in supporting every child to reach thier full potential.

We have 6 curriculum drivers that make us unique:


We have 6 core Chrisitan Values. 

  • Koinonia (community)
  • Creativity
  • Courage
  • Service
  • Truthfulness
  • Compassion

These values are celebrated, modelled and championed by the whole school community. 

These values are woven throughout our curriculum.