Home Learning

We recognise that family life can be very busy, however we also know that sharing in your child’s learning through supporting homework is a really valuable activity.

If you have any queries about tasks, learning logs or expectations, please don’t hesitate to raise this with your child’s class teacher in the first instance. We don’t want homework to become a source of conflict in the family! As we ask for parental support and involvement, it is important that communication between parents and teachers enables us to understand what children have found challenging or too easy, or where circumstances have prevented tasks from being completed.

Top Tips for helping your child with their homework

  • Plan homework at the same time of day
  • Create the right environment and minimise distractions
  • Ensure your child has all the equipment they need
  • Be prepared to help with organisation, reading instructions and getting started
  • Make sure they have enough time to complete the task
  • Consider using a small reward to entice your child to stay on task
  • Stay calm!