
We have a high standard of attendance and we are very proud of this – our children WANT to be in school!

If your child needs to be absent from school, please let us know by 9.00 am so that we know your child is safe. If you do not contact the school, a member of staff will ring home to ensure your child’s safety. Your child’s absence can only be authorised for illness and medical appointments. The school Education Welfare Officer regularly checks our registers for absence. If a child is frequently absent from school the EWO (Education Welfare Officer) will visit and offer advice to parents and families.

Parents frequently ask about taking their child out from school during term time for a family holiday. We hope that whenever possible parents will arrange their holidays to fit in the school academic timetable. It is a school policy NOT to authorise ANY holiday during term time, unless there are VERY EXCEPTIONAL circumstances. Please make an appointment with the Head to discuss this.

Please read our 'Attendance Expectations' document.