Welcome to the Eagles!

Our class consists of 21 enthusiastic and highly-motivated Year 6 Eagles and 12 Year 5 Eagles. with a love of learning, a strong work ethic and a desire to make good progress and become the best they can be.

As we are the oldest pupils at St Mary’s, we believe it is important that our class is always seen to be setting a high standard in terms of our behaviour around the school, being really good role models for the younger pupils, and also in the quality of our work.

The teachers of the Eagles Class are Mr Daniels and Miss Heath.

Learning in the Eyrie is in collaborative groups where we can discuss our work with a response partner. We are never afraid to have a go and make mistakes because we understand how important misconceptions are in helping us to make the next step forwards in our learning journey.

We study some very interesting topics in Year 6, which include World War 2, Kenya, Volcanoes and Earthquakes, and the National Parks of the UK.

Here is a selection of some of the other activities that have taken place in the Eyrie this year:

  • Going for weekly swimming lessons at Midsomer Norton Sports Centre
  • Dressing up as our favourite rock stars as part of our Times Tables Rock Stars event and helping the EYFS Ducklings class with their learning in Maths
  • Leading a whole school presentation about Jesse Owens during Black History Month

Information for parents

  • PE sessions take place on Monday afternoons and children are required to follow our school’s rules regarding the correct kit.

We hope you have enjoyed finding out about our class. St. Mary’s is making sure that this final year at our school is a fun and enjoyable experience for all of our Eagles.

Term 6 Curriculum Map