
Navy blue/grey trousers or tailored shorts

Navy blue/grey skirts or pinafore dresses

Light blue polo shirts

Navy blue jumper or cardigan, with or without the school logo embroidered on

Navy/grey/black/white socks

Navy/grey/black tights

In the summer blue and white checked/stripy dresses are also permitted.


Shoes, Coats, Hats etc

Shoes should be plain black, low heeled/flat and sturdy enough for outside play. Crocs, strappy sandals, trainers or brightly coloured shoes are not permitted. We ask that your child has a pair of Wellington Boots that they keep in school (any colour permitted).

Your child will need an appropriate coat in school everyday as we go out to play in almost all weathers!

Hats are available with the school logo for summer protection, though your child may wear an alternative one if they prefer. In winter we don’t mind what colour hats/scarves/gloves your child wears, but please make sure they are clearly named. Thank you.


PE Kit

Plain white T-shirt (no logos), navy blue shorts and plain black daps or trainers

Blue joggers

White/black/grey/blue socks

Team Timsbury hoodie


Long hair should be tied back at all times, particularly during PE. Children should not be sent to school with extreme haircuts or hairstyles or with dyed hair. Hair bands must be white/black or blue, and no fashion accessories including large bows are acceptable. Children must not bring to school any items of great value, as we are not covered for loss or damage to property.

On health and safety grounds we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school. The exceptions to this rule are stud earrings and a watch. All earrings must be removed or covered before participating in PE.

Makeup is not allowed in school, including nail polish and false nails and lashes.

We are keen to encourage independence and responsibility. Your child is responsible for his/her belongings and the school cannot be held responsible for any losses. We discourage children from bringing personal/valuable belongings into school; this avoids things being lost or broken. Children must not bring to school any items of great value, as we are not covered for loss or damage to property.

Please help us by ensuring that ALL items of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name. We require all children to have a full PE Kit in school at all times, clearly labelled and in an appropriate bag.

We believe that if you dress smart you think smart

Where can we buy uniform?

Staple items such as trousers, tops and plain jumpers can be purchased anywhere. However, if you wish to have items with our logo embroidered on, then you will need to purchase these online from Mapac. Parents can view all available products by visiting the company’s website http://www.mapac.com/education/parents/uniform/stmarystimsburyBA2

Parents report that the quality is good and that sizes are a little on the generous side.

A standard £4.25 delivery charge ensures that your order is sent directly to an address of your choice. As parents, you may prefer to get together in a group to place an order as postage is FREE for orders over £50. 

The school does not purchase any items of uniform or keep items here. From time to time, the PTA sell “pre-loved” items of uniform, and the Hub Library in Timsbury keeps a good selection of donated uniform.