We are a class of fantastic Year 3 and 4 children who love to learn. Lower Key Stage 2 is all about building up independence and resilience and enjoying all of the exciting opportunities that await in Key Stage 2.
In Foxes Class we love to read and we do everything we can to ensure that there is a buzz of excitement around a new book. There are also lots of interesting and engaging topics for the children to get stuck into. Times tables are a really big focus for us this year and our daily times tables activities really help the children to develop this important skill.
This year our teaching team is Mrs Brown, Mrs Stelling and Mr Smart.
Things to remember:
Children should read at home at least four times a week and this needs to be signed by an adult in their reading record. Reading books and reading records should be brought into school every day.
Our PE day is on a Tuesday and PE kits should be left in school.
Swimming lessons are on Wednesdays.
Homework will be set each week and will consist of spellings, Doodle Maths and Times Tables Rock Stars.
We also encourage children to play Numbots to develop Maths skills.