Welcome to the Foxes!

We work hard to provide creative, engaging and high-quality learning each and every day in Foxes class. Mrs Hayward is the teacher of Foxes class. Ms Rhymer is the teaching assistant. Foxes love reading and being read to and we love hearing them giggle along at funny points. Year 3 is all about developing independence and taking the leap into KS2 where lots of new and exciting opportunities await!

Things to remember...

  • Children should read at home 4 times a week and this should be recorded in their reading record.  They thoroughly enjoy working through the Accelerated Reader Programme which helps develop their comprehension as well as our new Reading Challenge! Please make sure reading records are brought into school everyday as we have lots of volunteers reading with us in Year 3!

  • Children are  encouraged to play Number Bots and Times Tables Rock Stars at home to help them develop their Maths skills.

  • PE will be on Friday

  • Forest School will be on a Monday. Please come in school uniform and bring Forest kit to change into after lunch.

  • Spelling homework will be sent home on Seesaw on a Monday and we will do a quick quiz on a Friday to see how we have got on.

Term 6 Curriculum Map