“Where words fail, music speaks.”

Hans Christian Andersen

Music at St Mary’s

At St Mary's, the foundations of music are taught from EYFS to embed the core essentials of elements of music. Our bespoke music curriculum is underpinned by Kapow music. This provides the best opportunities to nurture talented musicals and encourage a  sense of understanding that music is fun and accessible to all. 

Children have opportunities to explore and enjoy a range of musical instruments. Tuned and untuned percussion is regularly used to enhance learning and encourage creativity.  Children often have opportunities to improvise their own ideas.  Children learn over time to record their ideas in a range of formats and create their own compositions. 

In Key stage 2 children have opportunities as a class to play instruments for an extended time, often over two terms.  These include the recorder, ukulele, djembe drums and violins.

Y6 Quotes after 2 terms of violins: 

"It made me feel good when I could play along to the backing tracks. I could see my progress."

"It was good to see how good I got, it started off really bad but ended up really quite good." 

"We love to sing and children get many opportunities to sing a range of songs. In music lessons every class will have at least a term of singing. Children learn a selection of songs and the skills are built on over time. They progress to sing songs in rounds in harmony and in parts. They learn raps and chants too."

Children in EYFS also love to sing. They sing a range of songs everyday. You can often hear number songs coming out of the classroom door, ensuring learning is always fun! They have opportunities to use the music room and work with Mrs Munro over the year. They begin to learn the names of the percussion instruments and enjoy exploring how they sound.  

We aim to provide opportunities to share the children's efforts with parents, sometimes in assemblies or services,  sometimes in arranged performances for just one class or often through short recorded  videos sent to you on SeeSaw. We know how much you enjoy seeing your children perform. 

We have a selection of children who learn instruments at home. These lessons are taught by teachers from BANES and they offer a wide selection of instrumental lessons. Please enquire if you'd like further details.



Curriculum Overview

Music Tuition at St.Mary’s

In addition to the music lessons provided as part of the curriculum, we are also supported by peripatetic music teachers from both BANES.

These external providers are able to teach your child a range of instruments at request. Please follow the below links for further information if your child would be interested in learning to play an instrument.

Music lessons should be booked directly with the B&NES Music Service. Please contact music@bathnes.gov.uk or visit www.banesmusiconline.co.uk. You will then be sent a link to an online application form.  You can also call the Music Service on 01225 395388.